Pictures of Cloth-eez Lightweight Prefold Diapers
Introducing Novice light green edge and Intermediate blue edge 4-6-4 ply prefold diapers. (2 fewer layers in the center panel than our regular Cloth-eez Prefold diapers)
What makes them lightweight and easier to dry? They have 2 fewer layers of cotton in the center panel. That, of course, also means that they are less absorbent than the 4-8-4 regular version. Sometimes this makes sense though, especially if you have a low water washer or want them to dry just a bit faster. They seem to save about 10 minutes of drying time - which can make the difference between getting them dry in one cycle depending on washing and drying situation. It's just another option. Everyone prefers different things for different reasons. Sometimes a slightly trimmer fit is preferred. The fastest drying cotton diapers are the birdseye flats.
Compare novice light green edge to small yellow edge on the same 2.5 month old baby who weighs almost 10 pounds:
Novice and Small are about the same except that small has 2 more layers of cotton in the center panel.
Front folded down to shorten the rise on this 2 month old 9.5 pound baby
7 weeks old, 10.5 pounds. Newborn orange edge still fits. The front of the novice green edge is folded down inward on the same baby.
Unbleached Intermediate blue edge on an 11 month old petite baby
Intermediate are about 16.25 x 17.5 long before washing, and close to 15x15 inches when fully shrunk.
Comparing small yellow edge to Intermediate. Yellow edge small and Novice light green edge are about the same size, but Novice has 2 fewer layers in the center than small yellow edge prefolds do.
width differences when trifolded
Intermediate is as wide as a large brown edge and a little shorter than a medium red edge prefold.
See many pictures of our regular prefold diapers on babies here.
I'd love your feedback and more pictures on babies - Karen.
Newbie grey edge is a large preemie size. 2-6-2 layering.
Newbie is preemie layering but it is about the same size as the newborn orange edge. It is wider than the typical preemie diapers are.
5 pounds 7 ounces, 9 days old. Newbie grey edge "large preemie" size. It is a very lightweight 2-6-2 ply diaper suitable for preemies or for just the first week or two for a full term baby. They are the same size as newborn orange edge prefolds but much thinner. These are nice if you don't want bulk on your newborn. Change often. You can always add a doubler to it. They newbie grey edge are make wonderful doublers all the way to potty learning so if you have some, you will use them and keep on using them. Newborn orange edge are 4-8-4 ply and Newbie grey edge are just 2-6-2 ply. 2-6-2 ply means 2 layers of cotton on the outside ends and 6 layers in the center panel. 4-8-4 ply means 4 layers in both outside panels and 8 layers in the center panel. More cotton=more absorbency, but it also means thicker of course. Newbie grey is a lot wider than regular preemie diapers, but still preemie layering. Full term babies will out-wet this diaper before it is outgrown so plan on adding a small doubler to it.
Newbie grey edge on an 8 pound baby
Preemie purple edge on a 6 pound two week old baby.