Laundry detergent cost responses

How much does a load of regular laundry cost in November 2022?  Diapers are done with multiple cycles so add that.  It will vary a lot based on the kind of machine and the water type. Add the cost of additives such as oxygen bleach.  I asked this question on Facebook and below are the actual responses. This is just some fun to give an overview of what real people are using and the current costs of laundry detergent.

All Free & Clear $14 for 141 ounces

All Free and Clear Liquid $8.47 (+ tax) for 58 loads

All Free and Clear 0.11cents per load based on description for product, but I use more on a heavy cycle with my diapers. Also purchase through Sam's club to get better price.

All Free & Clear $14 for 141 ounces

All Free and Clear Liquid $8.47 (+ tax) for 58 loads

All Free and Clear 0.11cents per load based on description for product, but I use more on a heavy cycle with my diapers. Also purchase through Sam's club to get better price.

All free and clear liquid $18 250 oz.

All free and clear powder Purchased 11/2021 $4.86 for 52 oz box

Arm & hammer powder $.11/oz

Arm and Hammer Free and Clear .15 cents

Arm and Hammer powder 11 cents per load, 22 cents for a full wash cycle with two washes

Attitude Living Wild Flowers "160 loads" 135.5 oz, $35.95

Attitude unscented 135 ml for pre and wash total of 135.26 fl oz per package at $26 per package. So approx 1.13 per wash session

Azure clean wash time powder $82.26 for a 45lb bucket. 337 medium HE loads per bucket. $0.24per load. Use about 2.5 - 3 loads worth per diaper wash in my top load none HE speed queen. $0.65ish

Azure Clean- Power Laundry Detergent (Fragrance Free) $78.36 for 45lbs = $1.74 per pound

Azure clean washing time laundry powder citrus $88 for 45lb bucket. Website says 337 loads, but not sure how much that is per load. But 337 loads would be $0.26/load. I use a bit less than 2 Tbsp per load.

BioKleen Premium Plus Powder $24 per box

Charlie's Soap powder 18.99 for 100 loads

Country Save 5 lbs for $23.17 on Amazon ($.29/ load)

Country Save in bulk 40 lb bag 13 cents per load. $63.88 for 40 lb bag

Country Save Powder $64 for 40 lbs

Dropps pods (half of regular pod per load) $58.50+tax for 192 pods = approximately $0.16/load using half pod per load.

Dropps sensitive skin detergent and Droppsoxi boost The sensitive skin is $0.30 per load and oxi booster is $0.29per load. We use one detergent and one oxi per diaper/wipes load.

Dropps Sensitive Skin Unscented 30 cents/load OR 22.5 cents/load with delivery subscription (before tax)

Everpring Free and clClear $11.99 for 100oz bottle in my soft water I only need 10 mL per regular load of laundry, and 2 10mL washes for diapers. Comes out to around 12 cents per load for diapers and 6 for regular laundry.

foca powder package is $9.98/11.02lb 5.7c/load so 11c for 2 washes.


Kirkland liquid free and clear $15 for 194 fl oz

Meliora laundry powder unscented or lemon scented 18.99/35oz tin. Refill bag (no scoop) is 14.99/35oz. Also available in a zero waste 5 gallon bucket (40lb) for 259.99

(no scoop). This comes out to $0.15, $0.12, and $0.10 per load, respectively (assuming an HE machine. Double the price per load for standard top loader machines).


Mollys Suds $0.21/load

Mollys Suds baby 20c per load

Nellie's Laundry Soda - Powder Detergent $19 for 100 load container (1 Tablespoon Scoop size). 19 cents per normal laundry load. 38 cents per diaper load.

Persil original liquid 1 1/2 tsp total for diapers washed 3-4 times per week. One 100 oz bottle is $14. Haven’t gone through a bottle yet, would take appx 400 loads to go through a bottle (28 months)

Persil Persil with Oxy or Original $.31 per load. 2 washes are needed to properly clean human waste so $.62 in detergent. Cost is $6.99 a 40 oz bottle

Purex Free and Clear $0.12/load

Rockin green 44 cents

Tide free & clear $15 for 95 oz, 1 normal scoop per load

Tide Free & Gentle $14.50 per 5.93 lbs box (95 ounces) Less than .10 per diaper wash cycle. I have soft water and only use 1 Tbs in pre-wash and 1/2 Tbs in main wash.

Tide free and clear 12.99 64 oz

Tide free and clear 25 cents for the full double wash of diapers

Tide free and clear pods Three pods a load at 69 cents

Tide free and gentle Cost per package: $14.47, 30 cycles. About .48/cycle, or nearly a $1 per diaper load (each load goes through 2 wash cycles)

Tide Free and Gentle About $0.20 per load

Tide free and gentle It costs me $30 for a 5.8 lb box and I use 6tbsp total for each batch of diapers (2washes)

Tide Free and gentle powder A box is $18 (Canadian) or about $14 in the US for 80 loads (according to the box). I use 3 TBSP total across two wash cycles which is probably less than "a load" according to the box. If I assume it's the same as a load then each complete washing of diapers (2 cycles, 3 TBSP of detergent) should be about 17 cents (US price) or 22 cents Canadian price). Not bad IMO.

Tide free and gentle powder .20 per load

Tide free and gentle powder $14.47/95oz box. I use 1/4tsp per diaper load.

Tide hygienic clean I got it for 50% off so like 60-75 cents. I bought enought to last my whole cloth diaper journey and they're 92 oz each

Tide liquid free and gentle 154 FL oz $21.49

Tide Original 21 cents per load

Tide original powder $0.20 per load

Tide original powder About 1tbsp per load; 95oz for $15

up & up (target brand) Free Clear HE Liquid $0.12 per load

Zum Clean Laundry Soap $0.33/load